USA Stats to look for - untidy

 Real Disposable Personal Income 

Personal Savings Rate % of DPI (6) 33.8 24.8 19.3 18.7 15.0 14.3 13.6 13.0 14.0 19.9 13.5 26.6 12.6 10.4 9.5 10.5 9.8 8.1 7.1 7.2 7.9 - - - 7.4 - - Headline Retail Sales YoY (9) -20.01 -5.76 1.99 2.71 3.09 5.90 5.34 3.38 2.31 9.40 6.50 29.71 53.42 28.05 18.86 15.32 15.69 14.16 16.24 18.24 16.95 - - - 17.14 - - Retail Sales Control Group YoY (13) -7.14 1.81 7.19 8.54 8.47 10.51 10.13 9.26 6.03 14.07 10.23 16.27 31.71 18.34 13.47 9.54 12.31 10.90 12.80 13.25 12.87 - - - 12.97 - - Auto Sales YoY (10) -47.68 -29.42 -24.57 -13.67 -10.49 -4.94 -2.05 -9.01 -2.57 -1.25 -6.89 56.11 115.73 39.15 17.70 1.58 -14.02 -25.46 -19.86 -17.30 -23.54 -9.56 - - -20.23 -9.56 10.67 MBA Mortgage Purchase Index YoY (24) -29.85 -1.13 15.98 17.46 26.46 22.26 22.95 20.54 24.68 14.18 8.28 17.32 48.33 3.24 -16.25 -17.27 -17.56 -14.14 -11.03 -6.98 -9.26 -10.06 - - -9.09 -10.06 -0.97 Total Employees On Nonfarm Payrolls YoY (7) -13.36 -11.65 -8.74 -7.87 -6.86 -6.36 -5.99 -5.92 -6.12 -5.99 -5.76 -4.35 10.87 9.00 5.84 5.28 4.40 4.02 4.02 4.24 4.68 4.62 - - 4.31 4.62 0.31 Aggregate Hours Worked YoY (2) -13.86 -10.88 -8.21 -7.33 -6.05 -5.27 -4.62 -4.55 -5.03 -4.07 -5.21 -2.11 13.13 9.63 6.45 5.89 4.40 4.02 3.73 4.24 4.68 3.13 - - 4.21 3.13 -1.08 Aggregate Labor Income YoY (4) -6.95 -4.93 -3.54 -2.77 -1.54 -0.69 -0.23 -0.17 0.16 0.99 -0.30 2.21 13.85 12.03 10.66 10.42 8.93 8.99 9.28 9.79 9.86 8.99 - - 9.64 8.99 -0.65 Monthly Initial Jobless Claims YoY (3) 2217.69 1010.90 571.73 507.64 368.48 368.23 289.58 225.08 199.08 227.45 276.33 -69.47 -86.89 -79.22 -73.95 -71.29 -63.50 -63.70 -65.87 -67.41 -68.97 -65.08 - - -67.42 -65.08 2.33 Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index (12) 43.8 36.0 40.9 44.1 44.3 48.7 47.3 48.8 47.3 44.3 46.7 49.3 53.8 54.7 55.9 52.6 56.0 56.7 50.3 51.0 48.7 42.1 - - 50.0 42.1 -7.9 Industrial Production YoY (8) -17.65 -16.21 -10.96 -7.02 -6.62 -6.56 -4.75 -4.73 -3.28 -1.67 -4.86 1.76 17.86 16.40 10.21 6.62 5.33 4.62 4.76 4.98 3.67 - - - 4.47 - - Capacity Utilization (5) 63.4 64.7 68.7 71.5 72.3 72.1 72.9 73.3 74.1 75.0 72.7 74.8 74.8 75.3 75.7 76.2 76.0 75.2 76.1 76.6 76.5 - - - 76.4 - - Durable Goods New Orders YoY (22) -35.95 -25.38 -18.59 -12.41 -9.18 -7.60 -8.71 -0.14 -1.21 6.24 6.65 36.31 53.02 42.78 29.33 18.33 17.60 15.30 14.37 15.48 12.96 - - - 14.27 - - Core Capital Goods New Orders YoY (28) -8.92 -6.09 -2.78 0.56 3.35 5.31 6.07 8.24 10.11 10.07 11.20 14.38 25.79 23.57 19.02 15.93 13.73 13.90 13.20 11.92 10.56 - - - 11.89 - - Factory Orders YoY (18) -26.48 -20.48 -13.85 -9.95 -7.74 -6.69 -6.83 -2.11 -2.03 3.17 3.96 21.19 34.69 31.16 22.35 16.25 15.80 15.14 15.52 15.79 13.32 - - - 14.88 - - Manufacturing & Trade Inventories YoY (26) -2.02 -4.64 -5.78 -6.00 -5.54 -4.73 -3.95 -3.26 -2.55 -1.62 -0.44 0.06 1.54 4.60 6.67 7.27 7.51 7.53 7.98 8.73 - - - - 8.35 - - Nonresidential Construction Spending YoY (30) 1.97 1.79 -0.19 -3.42 -4.97 -6.86 -7.22 -8.82 -9.05 -8.65 -9.94 -9.77 -6.40 -6.19 -5.50 -3.09 -0.71 1.31 2.92 4.16 3.86 - - - 3.65 - - Residential Construction Spending YoY (29) 13.59 10.04 9.37 10.67 13.87 15.94 18.30 19.60 21.09 23.32 19.29 20.36 25.61 30.13 31.71 26.99 22.99 21.67 19.52 16.77 14.73 - - - 17.00 - - ISM Manufacturing PMI (23) 41.6 43.5 52.4 53.9 55.4 55.4 58.8 57.3 60.5 59.4 60.9 63.7 60.6 61.6 60.9 59.9 59.7 60.5 60.8 60.6 58.8 57.6 - - 60.1 57.6 -2.5 ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI (15) 41.5 45.2 56.8 57.0 57.4 57.7 56.1 56.5 57.8 58.5 55.9 62.2 62.7 63.2 60.7 64.1 62.2 62.6 66.7 68.4 62.3 59.9 - - 65.8 59.9 -5.9 NFIB Small Business Optimism Index (19) 90.9 94.4 100.6 98.8 100.2 104.0 104.0 101.4 95.9 95.0 95.8 98.2 99.8 99.6 102.5 99.7 100.1 99.1 98.2 98.4 98.9 - - - 98.5 - - Exports YoY (11) -28.63 -31.72 -24.59 -19.18 -17.19 -14.71 -13.05 -11.71 -9.06 -5.21 -7.02 9.32 38.31 43.42 32.57 24.29 22.33 16.14 22.51 21.08 - - - - 21.79 - - Imports YoY (16) -22.02 -24.39 -19.73 -11.39 -8.76 -6.36 -2.56 0.86 0.54 3.81 4.93 18.13 34.82 38.06 35.32 22.06 20.33 19.75 18.10 20.55 - - - - 19.33 - - Rail Traffic YoY (17) -20.89 -20.62 -14.29 -8.21 -5.96 -1.42 1.70 2.43 4.94 4.75 -4.40 12.87 27.34 27.81 13.89 6.26 -0.04 -2.20 -2.34 -4.45 -6.24 -5.77 - - -4.34 -5.77 -1.43 Headline CPI YoY (25) 0.33 0.12 0.65 0.99 1.31 1.37 1.18 1.17 1.36 1.40 1.68 2.62 4.16 4.99 5.39 5.37 5.25 5.39 6.22 6.81 7.04 - - - 6.69 - - PCE Deflator YoY (27) 0.41 0.51 0.91 1.04 1.30 1.38 1.17 1.11 1.29 1.41 1.63 2.45 3.58 3.97 4.03 4.16 4.24 4.44 5.08 5.72 5.79 - - - 5.53 - - Core PCE Deflator YoY (21) 0.91 1.00 1.13 1.30 1.50 1.57 1.42 1.38 1.48 1.51 1.49 1.97 3.08 3.46 3.59 3.60 3.60 3.70 4.16 4.66 4.85 - - - 4.56 - - M2 Money Supply YoY (20)


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